I recently got a copy of the Premium 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) Dungeon Masters Guide as a birthday present. This completed my set of the 2nd edition premium books and decided to run a game for some friends. I haven’t run 2nd edition in a long time but decided it would be fun to run a a game again. So before the game I spent a few days rereading the Players Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide to re-quaint myself with the 2nd edition rules. Although, I'd played and ran 2nd edition before, it was old to me and I wanted to get up to speed again.
My friends and I met at a local hobby ship and they rolled up characters. Of the various methods of generating ability scores. I had them use Method V (Roll 4d6 drop the lowest value and assign the value to the ability score of their choice. But I was also more lenient. Some 2nd edition character classes have specific ability score requirements like the paladin. For instance, the paladin in 2nd edition requires a Charisma of 17 and a Wisdom of 13. One player wanted to play a paladin so I allowed him to assign the minimum required ability score to his Charisma and Wisdom. The other abilities I had him roll 3d6 straight. I felt like this allowed him to play the character class of his choice rather than penalizing him as a result of his die rolls.