Thursday, March 18, 2021

Two from the Fiend Folio

I've been playing a lot of Dungeon Crawl Classics recently. And I found there's not a lot of monsters for the referees. The creator Joseph Goodman said once that he wants referees/DMs to create their own monsters.

Like a lot of you, I tend to be a lazy DM. So here's some monsters to help along the way. These two were in the AD&D First Edition Fiend Folio as well as Barrow Maze in Labyrinth Lord format. I'm thinking of running Barrowmaze in my DCC game and I decided to convert them. They're based off the versions from the Pathfinder System Reference Document.

So please enjoy...
Huecuva Init +1; Atk touch +1 melee (1d6); AC 14; HD 2d12; hp 14; MV 30'; Act 1d20; SP half damage from non-magical weapons or non-silvered weapons, illusion of humanity, infravision 60', undead; SP disease (DC 14 Fort Save); SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3; AL C

Hecuva's are the risen corpses of heretical clerics who blasphemed and repudiated their deities before encountering death. emporarily lose If a hecuva's attack is successful the creature takes 1d6 damage and must make a DC 14 Fort Save or suffer an additional 1d4 temporary Strength and Stamina damage.

A huecuva can cast an illusion that causes it to appear as the person it was in life. The illusion is complete visual and auditory. The huecuva can reveal his true form if it so wishes. A creature can make a DC 11 Will check to disbelieve.

Coffer Corpse Init +1; Atk slam +2 melee (1d4); AC 12; HD 2d12; hp 14; MV 20'; Act 1d20; SP deceitful death, fear (DC 12 Will save), grip, half damage from non-magical weapons or non-silvered weapons, infravision 60', undead; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3; AL C

If the coffer corpse hits with it's slam attack, it automatically grips the creature tightly around the throat. The creature is grappled and cannot attack unless it spends the next round struggling and succeeds on an opposed Strength check. The character also cannot speak or cast spells. On its turn, if the coffer corpse wins the Strength check, it chokes the same target for an automatic 1d4 points of damage.

When the coffer corpse is hit for 6 or more points of damage it falls to the ground, seemingly destroyed. If it has fastened its death grip on a victim, it releases its hold when it falls. On its next turn, the coffer corpse rises again as if reanimated, triggering its fear ability.

Let me know what you think about this in the comments or join the discussion on Twitter!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Traveller's been a while since I've posted here.

Let's get back to speaking or talking (Ha!) about role playing games. One of my favorite games is
one of the first sci-fi role playing games Traveller. I still have my old Traveller Book. In Traveller, the referee can run a variety of sci-fi campgains, from military to trading, even espionage or exploration. I think this is one of the benefits of the game. It's rules allow for different styles of games. The referee can make their own setting or use the established one. It's been around since 1977. The name Traveller refers to the game but it has a variety of rules. From GURPS to Mongoose Traveller, which itself is based on the old Classic Traveller rules. The creator Marc Miller currently publishes a version called Traveller 5 abbreviated as T5. It's called Traveller 5, because it's the fifth incarnation of the rule set that Miller has been involved with.

One of the things that Traveller fans have done over the years is called the Traveller Landgrab. It's where fans take one of the published worlds for the system and put their own spin on the world. There's hundreds of worlds most of them found at the great site, Traveller Map. The site that used to house my 2006 Landgrab entry is down but it can still be found: here I wanted to repost it here. Orginally I posted it to the Traveller Mailing List. I picked the world Lahti, which was published in the book Gateway to Destiny, which is one of my favorite Traveller Books. Anyways, here's my old entry: 


-------- Original Message --------

Subject: [TML] Lahti/Crusis Margin 3030 Landgrab

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 23:16:42 +0000

From: "Michael McKeown"

Reply-To: The Traveller Mailing List <>


Lahti/Crusis Margin 3030

I used Heaven and Earth and modified the government details. I based this on

the subsector write-up in Gateway to Destiny T20

UWP: A597AD9-E

PBG: 103

TRADE CODES: High Population, Industrial

ALLEGIANCE: Non-aligned


Binary Star: G7 V


1. Orbital Zones: Primary Star: 6 (Bodies Orbit around Primary Star)

Binary Star: 9 (Binary Star Orbit around Primary Star)


1. Basic World Type: Planet

2a. Planet Diameter: 4,900 miles (7,840 km)

2b. Planet Density: Molten Core, 1.02 terra

5. World Mass: 0.249 terra

6. World Gravity: 0.637 terra

7. Planet Orbit Period:

7a. Stellar Mass: 2.1 sol 0.89 sol

7b. Orbital Distance: 5.2 AU

7c. Orbital Period: 4,590.925 standard days

9. Rotation Period: 9.171 standard hours

10. Axial Tilt: 43 degrees

11. Orbital Eccentricity: 0.1

12. Seismic Stress Factor: 0.0


1. Atmospheric Composition: Standard oxygen-nitrogen mix, with pollutant


2. Surface Atmospheric Pressure: 2.2 atm

3. Surface Temperature:

3a. Stellar Luminosity: 2.174

3b. Orbit Factor: 164.021

3c. Energy Absorption: 0.7

3d. Greenhouse Effect: 1.15

3e. Base Temperature: 15.289 degrees C

4. Orbital Eccentricity Effects: Tc=3 degrees C, Tf=-3 degrees C

5. Latitude Temperature Effects: (Hex Row=Degrees C)

1=+15, 2=+10, 3=+5, 4=0, 5=-5, 6=-10, 7=-15, 8=-20, 9=-25, 10=-30, 11=-35

degrees C

6a. Axial Tilt Base Increase: 25.8 degrees C

6b. Axial Tilt Base Decrease: -43 degrees C

6c. Axial Tilt Latitude Effects: (Hex Row=Degrees)

1=0.25, 2=0.5, 3=0.75, 4=1, 5=1, 6=1, 7=1, 8=1, 9=1, 10=1, 11=1 degrees

7a. Length of day and Night: 4.586 standard hours

7b. Rotation-Luminosity Effects: 2.183

7c. Daytime Rotation Effects: 0.873 +per hour of daylight, 2,517.804

absolute maximum plus temperature

7d. Nighttime Rotation Effects: 0.5 -per hour of darkness, 28.829 absolute

maximum minus temperature

11. Temperature Worksheet: See separate section

12. Native Life: Exists

13. Atmospheric Terraforming: Has not occurred

14. Greenhouse Effect Terraforming: Has not occurred

15. Albedo Terraforming: Has not occurred


1. Hydrographic Percentage: 68%

2. Hydrographic Composition: Tainted liquid water

3. Tectonic Plates: 7

4. Hydrographic Terraforming: Has occurred

5. Terrain Terraforming: Has occurred

6. Continents and Oceans: 1 major continents, 8 minor continents, 6 major

islands, 8 archipelagoes

8. Resources and Goods:

Natural Resources: Ores, Radioactives, Crystals

Processed Resources: Agroproducts, Metals, Non-Metals

Manufactured Resources: Parts, Durables, Consumables, Weapons

Information Resources: Recordings, Artforms, Software, Documents

9. Weather Control: Is practiced


1. Total World Population: 10,000,000,000

3. Cities:

3e. Medium-Large Cities (UWP Pop-2): Cities=16, Population/City=500,000,000

3g. Moderate-Size Cities (UWP Pop-3): Cities=24, Population/City=50,000,000

3i. Small Cities (UWP Pop-4): Cities=112, Population/City=5,000,000

3k. Very Small Cities (UWP Pop-5): Cities=480, Population/City=500,000

4. Primary Cities: 10

5. Starports and Spaceports: A/C/A/B/A/A/A/D/A/C

6. Orbital Cities: Present

7. Social Outlook:

7a. Progressiveness: Radical, Advancing

7b. Aggressiveness: Unaggressive, Neutral

7c. Extensiveness: Harmonious, Friendly

8a. Number of Customs: 4

8b-g. Local Customs/Practicing Group:

Fixed time for visiting.../Certain races.

Certain food sources taboo/Certain sex.

Unusual punishment required for.../Certain sex.

Have extravagent quarters/High social class.


1. Representative Authority Guide: Religious Dictatorship

2. Representative Authority: Ruler

3. Division of Authority: No division

8. Religious Profile

8a. God View: Philosophical atheism

8b. Spiritual Aim: Believers seek to expand the frontiers of knowledge

through inquiry and speculation.

8c. Devotional Requirement: Weekly

8d. Organization Structure: Rigid hierarchy with most decisions on a

regional level.

8e. Liturgical Formality: Emphasis is laid on communal teaching with limited


8f. Missionary Fervor: Ordinary among a limited number of sophont races

8g. Number of Adherents: 9,000,000,000


1. Uniformity of Law: Personal

2. Legal Profile: 9-GDFDE


1. High Common Tech Level: E

2a. Low Common TL Limits: Upper=E, Lower=7

2b. Low Common TL: 7

3a. Energy TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=7

3b. Energy TL: E

4a. Computer/Robotics TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=5

4b. Computer/Robotics TL: D

5a. Communications TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=5

5b. Communications TL: F

6a. Medical TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=0

6b. Medical TL: D

7a. Environment TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=B

7b. Environment TL: F

8a. Land Transport TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=B

8b. Land Transport TL: E

9a. Water Transport TL Limits: Upper=E, Lower=9

9b. Water Transport TL: E

10a. Air Transport TL Limits: Upper=E, Lower=9

10b. Air Transport TL: E

11a. Space Transport TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=D

11b. Space Transport TL: F

12a. Personal Military TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=0

12b. Personal Military TL: E

13a. Heavy Military TL Limits: Upper=G, Lower=0

13b. Heavy Military TL: E

14. Novelty Tech Level: F






1 15 15 30

2 15 10 25

3 15 5 20

4 15 0 15

5 15 -5 10

6 15 -10 5

7 15 -15 0

8 15 -20 -5

9 15 -25 -10

10 15 -30 -15

11 15 -35 -20





1 26 0.25 6 4 0.1 41

2 26 0.5 13 4 0.1 42

3 26 0.75 19 4 0.1 44

4 26 1 26 4 0.1 45

5 26 1 26 4 0.1 40

6 26 1 26 4 0.1 35

7 26 1 26 4 0.1 30

8 26 1 26 4 0.1 25

9 26 1 26 4 0.1 20

10 26 1 26 4 0.1 15

11 26 1 26 4 0.1 10





1 -43 0.25 -11 2 -0.1 17

2 -43 0.5 -22 2 -0.1 1

3 -43 0.75 -32 2 -0.1 -14

4 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -30

5 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -35

6 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -40

7 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -45

8 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -50

9 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -55

10 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -60

11 -43 1 -43 2 -0.1 -65

HISTORY - Solomani colonists settled Lahti during the ending years of the

Rule of Man. Lahti retained starflight during the Long Night and sent ships

to surrounding worlds. Those worlds however remained independent as the

years went by. Hiver Federation contacts in the early years of the distant

Third Imperium helped keep Lahti?s technology level at the highest for this

part of the subsector. A few Vilani settlers traveled to the planet in later

years as word of the governmental view traveled across known space. Now the

planet is an active trading partner in the subsector. The planet exports

varying types of products.

GOVERNMENT - Lahti is ruled by the Society for a Rational Spirit. The

government strictly prohibits other organized religions. All persons working

in large organizations such as corporations and the military are expected to

be practicing members. The government sponsors a sizable Naval and marine

force. A highport Naval base orbits near the highport area of the starport.

There is also a naval base on the planet Lahti I Epsilon. The navy has three

light cruisers of around 17,000 tons of Solomani design. The other ships are

patrol cruisers, fighters, close escorts and SDB?s. The government has

extremely poor relations with the Droyne in the subsector since the Droyne

failed to respond to a Lahtian merchant?s ship?s distress call two years


ATOMSPEHERE - The atmosphere is tainted by thick smog and filter masks must

be worn outside. Years of uncontrolled burning of hydrocarbons led to the

thick smog.

POPULATION - The population lives in extended urban areas and 2 orbital

cities. The capital city of the planet is Sego with a population of

500,000,000. Several of the other major cities are Logan, Nice, Turin and

Newago. Coastal communities support the capture of fish and the mountain

ranges are the locations of ore mines including uranium and magnesium and


CULTURE - Pregnant women are not allowed to eat meat or fish products and

Women who commit crimes are forced to have numbers tattooed on their right

forearms and the data entered into a planetary database. These women are

forbidden to enter the military or work in large corporations.

Despite the overall conservative culture of Lahti, the planet trades in

substantial portions with the Hiver worlds to trailing. The Hive Federation

has a trade compound on the capital city, Sego.

Adventure seeds: The PC's are asked to escort several large Lahtian merchant

ships a few parasecs to Hiver space and return with a cargo load of Hiver


The Church of Stellar Divinity has hired the PC?s to free by any means

necessary several members of their faith being held in Lahtian prison.

The PC?s are asked to deliver a load of cargo to a mining colony on a gas

giant moon orbiting the secondary star. What could possibility go wrong??