Monday, July 25, 2022

Four for Umerica

Four more Monsters for Umerica Four more random monsters for Umerica including two more variations on Grokk's Blessed Bestiary from Maximum-Mutagenesis


I based it on the Death Cow. Art work by Nate Marcel

Cowug (Mutated Cow): Init +1; Atk hoof +1 melee (1d5); AC 13; Armor die N/A/; HD 4d8; hp 16; MV 40’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; AL C.

(Rolls Maximum Mutagenesis)
Bark Skin, Domination, Abnormal Eyes - insectile

Bumpy McHothead

Base Stock: Fire Giant (DCC RPG, pg 416)
Letter 1: B 79 Regeneration
Letter 2: S 52 Reactive magic
Letter 3: U 56 Leathery Warts

This oversized part plant guardian of a temple of Petrolex is particularly fierce. It’s said that Bumpy came through an interdimensional portal years ago and fell in with a group of followers of the god of Fuel and Fire. He’s been known to regrow limbs and throw back spells in combat. In addition to his ability to regrow body parts and protective abilities, his body is over in thick warts.

Bumpy McHothead (12’ tall, 5,000 lbs.): Init +3; Atk sword +22 melee (4d10+10) or hurled stone +8 missile fire (1d8+10, range 200’); AC 15; Armor Die 1d7; HD 16d10; Hit points 88; MV 30’; Act 2d24; SP immune to fire, double damage from cold-based attacks, regeneration, 10% chance of magical flaming sword (+1d6 damage), 25% chance of 1-3 hellhound companions, crit on 20-24; SV Fort +15, Ref +5, Will +8; AL C. Bumpy regenerates 1d6 hit points per hour


Base Stock: Killer bee (DCC RPG, pg 419)
Letter 1: N 28 Abnormal Mouth (pig like)
Letter 2: Z 22 Gnashing Teeth
Letter 3: Y 96 Vocal Mimicry

Known for making tasty honey and digging for truffles, these mutant dog sized bees have a boar snout and porcine teeth and small protruding tusks. This group of Swinebees live in an abandoned nursery. They are territorial and will attack those intruding on their hive. Unfortunately for some the nursery is the site of a large growth of medicinal plants which grow next to the swinebee hive.

Swinebee (mutant giant bee): Init +1; Atk sting +3 melee (1d4 + poison) or bite +2 (1d6); AC 13; Armor die 1d3; HD 2d8; MV fly 30’; Act 1d20; SP poison (DC 8 Fort save or death), vocal mimicry; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1; AL N.

Owl Pear

Another domestic mutant animal found in Umerica, these basketball sized mutated, flying plant creatures are said to be the product of a crazed botanist and a wizard with a sweet tooth. Owl Pears are often found in the mountains to the east of Old Seattle where they are found in flocks centered around flowering trees. They are nonviolent unless their young are attacked.

Owl Pear: Init +3; Atk talon +4 melee (1d2); AC 15; Armor die N/A; HD 1d6; hp 3; MV 10'or fly 40’; Act 1d20; SP Immune to mind affeacting spells SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; AL N.